4.4 Management of the orders.
After to have prepared a single order in spite of the positions they are many and above all
of various suppliers between they, this comes sended via Web.
The weekly employed time is of 52' 30 ", with a saving
of time of 91%.
Thanks to the service of NetSourcing the attache' will be able to monitoring and to analyze the relative
movimentation to supplyings that of day in day come carries out to you and the time weekly magazine is of single 16' 35 ".
The reception of the order confirmation always happens via regular mail, but being an only document, is assisted however to
a lowering of the time, that he becomes equal to 30' 25 ", with one reduction of the 51.5%.
The time that every week the
staff of the enterprise employs in order to manage the relating operations supplyings after the introduction of the integrated
supply of Unitec, becomes smaller.
That means that the time to disposition of the unit for the activities of attendance
and management of the customers increases in considerable way, to all benefit of the quality of the offered service.
4.4.1 Possible found interferences in the management of the orders: 4ª phase.
In the case instead of received goodses lese, it is unfortunately a disadvantage that is bound
to the transport, therefore not dismissable.
In any case, considering the type of relationship that is come to establish
with Unitec, the times in order to place remedy to such situation would have to come down and to be equal to approximately
6' 49 "weeklies magazine.
4.5 Control to the arrival of the goodses.
As a result of the adoption of the integrated supply, the duties carried out from the attache's
to the warehouse do not change.
That that instead modification is the frequency with which such activity they come carried
Verification moreover one substantial reduction of the interferences.
For how much it concerns the reception and
control of the goods, the workflow operating it remains immutato.
The meaningful change that famous, is pointed out it
frequency with which comes carried out the single operations; that drift directly from the fact that the 14 every day necks
come delivered one single time to the day with to one single invoice and one single bubble of accompanyment.
This means that they come "compattati" the processes of reception of the goods, of the recording and recording of the
accompanying document.
The time weekly magazine is reduced in fact to 1h 44' 20 "with one clean reduction of 42,7%.
4.5.1 Possible found interferences in the control to the arrival of the goodses: 5ª phase.
The interferences that can be verified in this phase endure one drastic reduction: a control
of the list of the suppliers in delivery delay not servants more, therefore like that one in order to verify if the arrived
goodses are wrong, in how much draft of functions that have been delegated to Unitec.
At the same time the delivery delays
are rarer (from 1 time to the day to 1 every time two weeks).
Making reference for the supplies only to Unitec, but them
it upgrades them delay causes can be circumscribed to two: the delay of delivery which had to the suppliers of Unitec;
the delay of delivery for errors of Unitec.
But both solvables in a hurry, in fact the necessary time is equal to 2' 01 "
with one reduction of the 98.8%.
It remains however the danger that the goodses are damaged in the transport from Unitec
to the enterprise; this problem is totally employee from the transport, for which not dismissable, the substitution procedures
are resolved in fast way and therefore the time weekly magazine becomes 12' 10 ".
In the case a damaging is taken place
the substitution of the lese goodses happens without the preparation of the rendered letter of, having already informed
Unitec and the time weekly magazine is reduced to 7' 58 ".
The time demanded in facing with of the direct interferences
comes down to single 22' 09 "to the week - like brought back in table 4,3 -, with a saving nearly 93%.
The cross-sectional
interferences, for their nature, cannot be of the all eliminated ones; however, they endure one clean reduction.
Pack-saddles to think next to the fact that all the problems deriving from the fax, are manual it or automatic rifle,
are completely eliminate to you, being able to count on other mass media many more expresses; moreover, diminishing
the activity connected to the management of the supplies, in proportion the errors that can be verified, or the
difficulties diminish that can be had in the search of documents and archiviatori.
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