The integrated supply is one of the historical services of Unitec, been born from a simple and effective idea.
The trend in the companies in the last years it has been that one to reduce the warehouse supplyes in order to obtain turns out you of economy financial institution, on the wake of the production just in Japanese Time. This but has carried to one esponenziale increase of the procedures of supplying and the relati to you costs.
The idea of the service is of esternalizzare over-head managerial the 25 , leaving the task to manage the suppliers of category B and C, that is of the not strategic assets, to Unitec. The assets of wrap B and C, low cost not strategic, has a value relatively low.
Their purchase is not strategic for the enterprise, but to the same coast a lot, above all in terms of business resources.
A large disproportion between the value of the acquired good and the cost of the put into effect procedures is created indeed in order to obtain it.
Moreover there is the impossibility to take advantage of the economies of scale in the purchases, be a matter itself of migliaia of different particular for type and constructor.
The integrated supply allows to slim the supplying processes, contracting the costs, therefore improving the effectiveness, and creating economies of scale also for the non-production goods, for which, otherwise, he would be unattainable.
In this way there is the possibility to transform the fixed costs of supplying in variable costs, procurabili on the market.
Moreover the business resources come optimized for the purchase of strategic materials for just Core business.
The difference in the management of the supplying process is obvious.
Before the adoption of the integrated supply, numerous transactions turned to a number are present much high of suppliers, with consequent dispendio of resources for the administration of the plant.
Fig. 3,1 Management of traditional supplying

Source: Unitec (2004) After the adoption of the system of integrated supply, one is observed remarkable reduction of the transactions and the simplification of the operations carried out from the administration of the plant. Fig. 3,2 Management of supplying with the adoption of the integrated supply

Source: Unitec (2004) The system of the integrated supply not modification the procedures of purchase of the enterprise that adopts it.
The only difference is that, rather than to forward the own demands to different suppliers, it forwards them to an only interlocutor, with one single demand.
Taking advantage itself of this instrument, cost reductions are found directed in various fields:
- Purchases. Reduction of demands, orders and relati you operating costs, thanks to the unification of the same ones.
- Administration. Necessity to manage an only invoice, that it combines to more positions and constructors, until also to the carriers; therefore a single payment to an only supplier. The operating costs of the suppliers, decrementati in the number in important way are reduced also.
- Logistics. One single bubble of delivery, with consequent reduction and simplification in the acceptance of the goodses. Moreover, improvement of the logistic flow, in how much the arrivals can be agree to you in restricted way, velocizzando and realizing the warehouse operations.
- Recording. The reduction of the number of the inner transactions and the relati to you cartacei supports involves a decrease of the cartacee members stimabile around 90%, facilitating oltretutto the access to documents.
Fig. 3,3 Comparison of the supplying costs

Source: Unitec (2004) The diagram in figure 3,3 extension clearly, in simple and immediate way, the saving that is possible to obtain on the inner operating costs of supplyings, implementing the supply integrated to the inside of the own company.
Beyond to the obvious obtainable efficiencies with such system, modern waste is important to emphasize like does not use of these opportunities of improvement of the management of the business processes of purchase represents one, absolutely to contrast.
Ulterior optimizations are found in the telephone costs, are directed towards the outside that towards the inside (as an example, the contacts between the staff diminish in order to obtain clarifications, thanks to clearer documentation and snella).
The investments of the resources towards Core business come optimized, the organizational structure become more efficient, the logistic flows are optimized and the payments come unifica you, are in maturity dates that of currency.
The last factor to analyze is the logistic organization. Unitec uses companies specialized in such field, with which it has stipulated collaboration agreements. Moreover it has a management software that allows to compare the expirations for the supplies to the customer, the terms of delivery guaranteed from the suppliers and the logistic times of transport.
The general improvement of the logistic flows provokes a lessening in the costs of the management of the same ones, also thanks to the decrement of the frequency of the use of the carriers.
The small and you attend supplies come concentrated in little times, with amount of greater goods, therefore to optimize also the transport costs.
- Note
25: For over-head managerial those additional costs of management agree generate to you from a situation of over-flow, are worth to say of traboccamento.