3 eAuction : the conduct electronic auctions on Internet are the
transposition on the net of the traditional auctions.
Normally it comes supplied a multimediale presentation of the products offers and the offer process comes integrated with the phase of dealing, payment and delivery.
The source of gain for the manager of the auction derives from the sale of the technological platform, from the commission on the transactions and the publicity. Varying is the inverse auction in which they are the vendors to compete in order to earn the sale to the customer.
In such system, the purchaser inserts its demands and eventually the top price for departure and will be task of the suppliers to make the offered ones the decrease in order to buy up the sale. The benefits for the producers and the consumers are:
- greater efficiency;
- time saving;
- lower costs that allow therefore to offer for the sale also lotteries of
smaller value;
- the producers can use this model in order to reduce the exceeding stock;
- the consumers benefit of the cost reduction of purchase.
4. eMall : it is a type model ''many-to-many'' and it can be equiparare to a center trades them online.
A model relatively dated and consists in a collection of eShop accorpati to the inside of an only structure trades them.
The mall it is limited to offer the space to the vendors and it does not enter directly therefore to the inside of the
transaction with the final customer. The adoption of such model door to an increment of the number of visitors, thanks to one campaign of total marketing for all the storees and to one immense offer of products pertaining to the merceologiche categories more disparate. Often sight to the development of one virtual community through forum, chat, etc with the scope to maintain on situated the greater number of visitors and to make to journey the same ones in the virtual display windows of the suppliers. The companies can adopt this model in two different ways:
- like fruitrici of the service put to disposition;
- like supplier of the eMall same.
In the first case the company, joining to the community, obtains the following benefits:
- reduction of the investments, in fact does not have to be made cargo of all the organizational activities which the technical and technological management of the virtual store and enjoys a system of hosting sophisticated;
- advantage thanks to the traffic adds generated them from the present others eShop in the eMall.
The company, adopting this road, must adapt the own structure trades them to the new channel of sale. In according to case the company it invests and it realizes one able technological platform to receive the storees of the companies participants. For the manager of eMall the advantages they derive give:
- increment of the sale of the technological support;
- sale of the own services to the companies participants to the eMall;
- sale of advertising spaces.
The eMall they have not obtained the hoped happened one and they have been in part replaced from more evoluti eMarketplace. 5. eMarketplace (Third Party Marketplace): it is a type model ' ' many to many '', used in the case in which the companies they want to leave to third parts the management of their marketing on the Web. A Marketplace is one virtual public square, a point of encounter between companies of type sellside and companies of type buyside [ Furini2002 ]. The Marketplace integrates the functionalities offered from the model of eProcurement with one technical and organizational structure highly specialized. E' a virtual platform to the inside of which transactions happen trades them. It can be developed is in horizontal that in vertical (figure 2).

Figure 2 - Marketplace horizontal and vertical
- For horizontal Marketplace a market turned to a target agrees of enterprises pertaining to various fields. As an example supplies for office, you space advertising, logistic MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), services, etc. Draft of goods and services that, of norm, do not enter in the directed cycle of transformation, however can represent important voices of expense to the inside of one company (so-called indirect materials).
- For vertical Marketplace one refers to us, to the contrary, a market that focus just target on an industrial field very defined or on part of it. Goods and services exchange to you on this market enter in the cycle of transformation of the product (so-called direct materials).
Based on the offered functions, they can themselves be distinguished in:
- Electronic Pinboard (or showcases): they are the type simpler than virtual public squares than market. They classify groups or categories of products and gives the possibility to insert announcements of sale or purchase. The transaction entire carries out between supplier and purchaser: the pinboard the announcements facilitate the encounter between the parts classifying, but they can also as an example offer additional functions like the notification via email or SMS. The virtual insertions are many effective and convenient: they offer searches for category and the river basin of utilizzatori is the much largest one than that raggiungibile from the cartacee banns.
- It catalogues: the characteristic of these virtual public squares of market is to operate with a catalogue aggregate of products composed from catalogues of different vendors. The purchasers can choose from this selection, confront the conditions and for carrying out the order. This type of marketplace offers to high added value: they group the question of a great number of purchasers, strengthen their power of market and, from the moment that produced identical or similar can easy be confronts to you, they assure the transparency of the market.
- RFP/RFQ: Shape RFP (Request for Proposal) takes advantage of the ability to contact all the supplying presents on the market in order to obtain an offer that the suppliers compose independently trying to satisfy the detailed lists of the petitioner. In the shape of RFQ (Request for Quotation) it upgrades them purchaser makes the demand the marketplace, which he supplies to more shunt it towards two or it upgrades them supplying; these will emit the estimates to the marketplace, than it will forward the customer.
- Ags: they are one evolution of the Pinboard. They differ for the fact that the mechanism that ago to meet the purchaser and the vendor is controlled from the manager of the marketplace. In this scene many buyer and many seller make an offer simultaneous and therefore it is attempted ' ' matching '' of the two offering.
- Auctions: like approval previously, the services of auctions are much similar to the ags, but they have a different objective and an organization. The price of the product or service is the determining element of the offer. The auctions can be opened, where an identity of the participants and the level of the offer are known from all, or completely anonymous and sluices.
Like for the eMall, the companies can decide to adopt the model eMarketplace as participants to the Marketplace or of managers of a Marketplace.
In the first case, the companies can enjoy all the advantages of the outsourcing and all the services added to you that they come supplied from the company that proposes the model (services informed to you, services of insurance cover, advisings financial institutions, trades them and of marketing, financings facilitate to you, supply of temporary labor, to improve the relationship with the customers).
In according to case, the company is taken care of the realization of an adapted technological infrastructure, is striven in the search of the venditrici companies promuovendo uses it of just marketplace between the companies. It finances thanks to the quotas participation of the adherent companies to the service (proporziona them to the turnover), to one small commission on the total of the orders gone to good aim and the sale of the advertising spaces. 6. Virtual Community : The main added value that the virtual communities characterize comes from its participants who bring information to a common atmosphere of base.
The communities are constituted from individuals that gather in a virtual place where they communicate between they various types of necessity. They exist you vary types of virtual communities, but those inherent ones to commerce B2B are the communities trade them of field, purposely dedicated to a data economic field [ DeNardo 2001 ].
They facilitate the encounter of supply and demand of goods and services and supply useful information for the transactions. The participants are companies or enterprises that are invite to you to interact in order to conclude transactions.
In fact to the inside of the community they come predisposed sure places, transparent and controls to you, used it is to the exchange of field goods and services, is to the exchange and the sharing of immaterial resources ' ' '', like ideas, professional plans and experiences passages.
The virtual communities can exist, beyond that like being entity to if, also as integrations to other operations of marketing in order to increase the fidelity of the consumers and in order to pull down the propensione of the navigators on Internet to ' ' you bite and you escape ' '.
Just thanks to the virtual communities, the enterprises participants exceed the concept of the competition in favor of new shapes of collaboration, thanks to the sharing of resources.
The services that the enterprises find again in the virtual communities are:
- Content, that is information;
- Community, that is you space for the communication;
- Commerce, that is you space used after the economic transactions.