My professional curriculum of studies let alone, thanks to experiences to determined time or not, that they allow the development of my competences in economic-business within
2004 Advertising research and of promotion events Analogies s.n.c. Cerni
Stagista with administrative duties of secretariat and
1996-2001 Institute Industrial Speriore Instruction and Trades them Narni
Diploma of Accounting
Final voting: 80/100 2001-2005 University of the studies of Perugia center of Cerni
New bachelor ordering in Economy and Administration of the Enterprises
Final voting: 103/110
Participation to the prize Philip Morris for the Marketing
2005 University of the studies of Perugia center of Cerni
Currently enrolled to the specialistica Bachelor in Management of the Innovation and the Risks of Enterprise
Activity of meditation and cultural and artistic deepening
Predisposition to travelling and knowing new truth
Good acquaintance of the Office package
Good orientamenento to the inside of the Web
French: good acquaintance
English: good acquaintance
Spanish: acquaintance base
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