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The performances in virtual logistic (part three)
The virtual trasportation it consists in the elimination of the transfer of
things or persons.
In some way the teleconference is led back more than other to the virtual transportation of the
partner of the meeting, inasmuch as the " virtual presence " of the partner
concurs they to cooperate in flexible and economic way, independently from the position
(McGehee, Hebley & Mahaffey, 1994).
You notice yourself that, analogous to as has been discarded the concept of pull for
the virtual stockholding , it cannot be spoken properly about virtual
transportation when as an example on Internet a software or of the music is acquired that
comes unloaded through the net; in these cases the transport completely is not previewed
and if not the sale of the physical support draft of a sold accessory service like optional.
To the contrary, the principle of virtual transportation applied to the objects is not
simply applicable: if the object is not moved, it must be replaced with an other
object to destination, and the speech it moves on the sostituibilità of the good.
Clarke (1998) clearly asserts that one of main requirement for
the virtualità is that features of commodities.
In effects the example of the fioraio previously pointed out is esplicativo: in the
moment in which the bouquet that arrives to destination it is various from that ordering,
the performance is diminished.
We remember in fact that the virtualità depends on requirement of the customer, and when
these are not centers to you ei can be pushed to extreme levels until making to fail the
system completely.
As an example it is possible to speak about virtual transportation when a fax is used in
order to make to arrive a document to destination, in the measure in which comes accepted
the validity of fax in substitution of one the autograph letter.
They exist of the fax so-called " 3d " that they recreate to destination
to the shape of the object transmitted through one particular plastic resin.
We will be able to speak about virtual transport if our requirement were only limited to
being able to estimate blocks it and the dimensions of the object, not sure if we meant
to have to appreciate it to aesthetic level or if we had to take advantage of of the
inner mechanisms.
Resuming the introduced matrix before we will be able therefore to describe:

In virtual proeessing or manufaeturing the performance
of the virtual system, beyond that to the flexibility, it must be led back to the reliability
with which comes replied the real system.
To the state they of the development of the simulative techniques puts into effect is
possible to assert that the criticità of the virtual models comes to the light in the
case of planning with the high requirement emergency or in the case in which the
systems to simulate they are too much complex.
As an example, virtual reality (the VR) can offer high performances
for the prototipazione when it is necessary to study simple aspects determine the
proportions them.
In these cases requirement of the customer for which it comes replaced the real
prototype becomes the appraisal of blocks, as an example of a door of a motor
vehicle, and the model succeeds offers the same performances practically of when
it is had to that to make with the real object.
In the case of planning of mechanical members elementary moreover, the use of
virtual models concurs to operate in speed structural optimizations and to
immediately obtain from the software the values of the control
parameters and the measures of the variable ones, various from the case of traditional
protipazione, in which every modification to the member new manufacture of the piece
would demand one and the measure of the variable characteristics would need of
measurements with takes care of sensors to you.
Various, when it is demanded to estimate complex static aspects or cinematic us,
the VR models offer inferior performances generally light.
In the case delta planning as an example, the use of the models to ended states
in order to simulate the behaviors under effort of the weldings for points
currently does not succeed to offer performance of all the acceptable ones,
in terms of replication of the truth, for which the instrument of the virtual
truth it can be only limited to orientative or inspecting surveyings.
Analogous it happens for the prototipazione of complex
systems - as in the aeronautical field or when tightening requirement of
emergency exist particularly, for which it is however necessary to construct
the physical prototype and sottoporlo to test.
Clearly, like previously pointed out, every system of virtual manufacturing
offers highest characteristics of confronted flexibility if to the real system;
to the contrary, not always the cost of realization of the system of
virtual manufacturing is inferior to the real case.

extracted from: Schiraldi, M.M, "virtuality and virtual logistic",
final relation Plan by Youngers Investigators / co-financing MURST,
University of the Studies of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, 2001."